We group artworks with similar characteristics into periods or styles because it is easiest to do it that way - this way we can find common characteristics in these literary/artistic eras, and name them. For example, the Renaissance had a distinct style, which differs greatly from that of Romanticism.
The immune response is your body's third line of defense. In this response, your body releases B-Cells and T-Cells to fight the antigen and destroy it.
Hope this helps!
True due to the hormones that act upon the kidneys Two examples being Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) and Aldosterone
ADH increases water permeability of the kidney tubules and Aldosterone decreases the Sodium in the urine and increases the Potassium.
The sedimentary rock limestone which contains carbonate mineral Calcite and the metamorphic rocks which contain carbonate mineral Aragonite are the examples of rocks which react strongly with hydrochloric acid.
Rocks are naturally occurring structures formed on the Earth's crust and are composed of aggregate minerals. Classification of rocks: Igneous rocks - formed by cooling of magma on Earth's crust or seabed (basalts, gabbros, granite, etc), sedimentary rocks - formed over time by the accumulation of sediments from the weathering of existing rocks or fragments of minerals and organisms (mudstone, sandstone, shale, limestone, dolostone, siltstone, etc) and metamorphic rocks - transformed rocks formed from the existing rocks that are subjected to large pressures and temperatures (schists, gneiss, marble, etc).
The carbonate minerals like calcite, dolomite, aragonite, etc react with hydrochloric acid and release carbon dioxide gas bubbles. Calcite (calcium carbonate), which is found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks in a varying proportion reacts strongly with hydrochloric acid. So, the sedimentary rock Limestone which mainly contains calcite react strongly with the acid while Dolostone which mainly contains dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate) reacts less vigorously. Another carbonate mineral aragonite, found in metamorphic rocks also reacts strongly with hydrochloric acid.
Cell wall is the outer permeable covering in all pants and almost all prokaryotes ! cell wall are mainly made up of cellulose , sometime by chitin!!