mitnehmen in Partizip Perfekt =mitgenommen
Water deposits soil, sediment, and rock with a process called deposition. It is where the water slows down enough to where the sediment/soil/rock it is transporting stops traveling and starts to settle.
I apologize if anything is wrong.
its just asking opinions....
I cant really answer this for you...
Die Fenster werden gewaschen.
Die Teller werden gespült.
Das Geschirr wird weggeräumt.
Die Betten werden gemacht.
Das Essen wird gekocht.
Das Mittagessen wird zubereitet.
Die Blumen werden gegossen.
Die Patienten werden untersucht.
(These are minimal sentences. If required, you may want to add some additional verbiage to create longer sentences.)
I am so sorry I will help you in every way i can but i dont know how to speack in spanish i can help you on science math and history
Again so sorry for your lost