Compelled, imminent, borrowed, is, would've studied, had been making, won't/shan't (Idk for that one), more, missed, is going to, feigned, used to, they are having, which, spree, but I don't, mustn't. Hope they're all correct, and hope that helps XD
Raymond Dancel Gary is the first governor of Oklahoma who was born in Oklahoma. He became the Fifteenth Governor on January 10, 1954. One of his first, and certainly memorable actions, was to remove the inscriptions "white only" and "coloured only" from the toilet in Capitol. He intended to implement his decision in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court, which proclaimed segregation in public schools unconstitutional. He succeeded in fostering an amendment to the state Constitution, which rejected the funding of separate schools for black people and whites. This action is the strongest proof of Gary's commitment to integration.
OC. Effort can lead to passion and caring.
In the given story, Marcus had already given up on everything. He felt he lacks motivation, and simply refused to care anymore. And going to junior college doesn't appeal to him at all.
But with the arrival of Shelby, Marcus felt a newfound interest. Observing how much the strange girl reads and is passionate about books that even he has no idea about, Marcus realizes that passion is formed and not something that one is born with. He discovers that one's efforts build passion and with that, comes the rest.
Thus, the correct answer is option C.