President Lincoln's response to Greeley is neither pro nor anti slavery. What does President Lincoln state is his primary goal? Lincoln says his primary goal is to save the Union, whether he has to keep or dismantle slavery to do so. Using you own words, explain President Lincoln's letter to Union Major General John A.
Large owners
Most of the farms in Central America are very large. They are in the hands of only few people though, the large land owners. The large land owners in Central America are very rich, and thy also have great political and economic influence in their countries. As most of the economy of these countries is based around the agriculture, the power is even greater. That has lead to a very uneven redistribution of the wealth in these countries, with the large land owners being one of the richest people in the country, while the majority of the population is working on their farmlands for miserable wages. The ordinary people are in a way a modern day slaves, as they are often forced to work on these farms, they are paid very little, are often faced with psychological and physical torture.
They insisted on having their way,misused government tax dollars
They also accepted bribes and overspent their money
Answer: What is most widely accepted today is the giant-impact theory. It proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet, about the size of Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon.