I believe that the method that is the most effective way to quit smoking is to use a nicotine patch. What the nicotine patch does is reduce the amount of nicotine entering your body. Gradually, you decrease the amounts you are taking each day until you finally get rid of the nicotine entirely. The nicotine patch still gives you the effects of nicotine, but without the negative effects of smoking
Warming up helps get your blood flowing to the muscles
<span>By using FITT principles, my cousin’s goal for his cardiovascular system and fitness levels will be achieve for an improvement will be observe. Running three times per week and gradually increasing to five times a week for cardio-vascular fitness is very effective after three months. Moreover, these changes will be monitor with heart rate monitor and a weighing scale.</span>
Personal values refers to a person's sense of morality; usually in terms of their behavioural characteristics, and this values acts as guiding principles in the person's lives.
For example, a person who has a high regard for life may avoid smoking tobacco, and this same individual may tend to dispose waste materials properly.