The world makes new human beings everyday but people also lose their life everyday too.
A probe is a spacecraft that travels through space to collect science information. Probes send data back to Earth for scientists to study. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Moons of Mars, and Moons of Saturn.
Advection fog.
Advection fog is most common along our Orange County beaches as well as in San Francisco because it is due to horizontal movement of air and it occur when the warmer and more moist air flow through the colder ground surface which lead to the cooling of the near air surface of the beach to below it's dew points and thus can happen even when it us windy and cloudy. It is common in West coast of USA.
Using the principles of cross-cutting relationships, you can determine the relative age of rocks found in the ground. The idea behind it is that the geologic feature which cuts another is the younger of the two features, and it had been around for 400 years. It's not very precise but it is good for determining relative age.