The following are the four difference between the fourth and the fifth generation of the computer that are:
- The fourth generation computer technology is basically based of the microprocessor. On the other hand, the fifth generation computer is based upon the artificial intelligence technology.
- The fourth generation computer system are faster in computation. Whereas, the fifth generation computer are more reliable and faster in speed as compared to all other generations.
- The fifth generation computer are small in the size and more potable as compared to the fourth generation computer system.
- Laptop, notebook and Chromebook are some of the example of fifth generation. Whereas, STAR 100 and IBM 4341 are the example of fourth generation.
idk good luck man idek if this is a question but if it is just go with c or b
2- Multitasking Multitasking – Multitasking Multitasking is one among the main advantage of computer. ...
Speed – Now computer isn't just a calculating device. ...
Cost/ Stores huge – Amount of knowledge it's a coffee cost solution. ...
Accuracy – ...
Data Security – ...
Task completer – ...
Communication – ...
Productivity –
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I had this lesson on odyessy ware and this was right the other guy is wrong