True is the correct answer for the above question.
- To secure the data is the first rule for any organization because when the data is lost or unsecured the whole system can have the problem.
- If any person wants to hack the system or any organization then they first choose to hack the data of the system.
- So there is a Hundred of law in the US taken by the US government at the Federal trade commission act to secure the data of the organization.
- The above question also states the same which is defined above. Hence It is a true statement.
Answer:it has high coupling
Explanation: Coupling is the property in the field of computer program that is defined as the functions ,data and codes of the program are dependent on each other and cannot be changed independently if requires. Thus,high amount of coupling is not considered as good factor due to high interdependence. Loose coupling can be still permitted.
Other options are correct because name of the class should reflect the purpose and well defined responsibilities should be present, modeling of certain component and high cohesion means keeping similar functions togather is also required. So, the only bad factor is high coupling
A good job would be in the IT or getting a job at a network place maybe even a place like Best Buy