1844-1877 As the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over slavery, led to a civil war — the course and aftermath of which transformed American society. Key Concept 5.1: The United States became more connected with the world as it pursued an expansionist foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere.
slavery started the Civil war. problems between the north and south
The decisions they make later apply to every similar situation everywhere in the country. For example, there was a case in which students wanted to wear armbands protesting the war, but the school said that was disruptive. The Supreme Court sided with the student, and said they had a right to free speech as long as it wasn’t causing a material interruption. This case would later be the example on how to solve many cases regarding student’s freedom of speech.
Acapella singers emulate instruments using only their voices.
Submarine Duty Incentive pay is a monthly taxable pay for sailors attached to submarine staffs. They can get Submarine Duty Incentive Pay: While attached to a submarine crew; While serving as an operator or crewmember of an operational submersible (including an undersea exploration or research vehicle)
Introduced of the encomienda system