Answer: translation: What do you do if there’s a boy you like?
What are all the medical lessons or what kind of medical classes are there
2/ aveces nadamos
4/ hacer una pregunta
8/tengo que explicar un problema de matemáticas a mi amigo
11/ se levantan temprano
12/el maquillaje
14/ aprendió
16Cobrar un cheque
17/ fuimos
Top question: Conjugate
Lower Question: The person or people doing the action
Definition on conjugate: to give the different forms of a verb as they vary according to <u>voice, mood, tense, number, and person.</u>
When conjugating the verb has to correctly match with the "person or people doing the action", as stated above.
1 COMI 2comiste 3almorze 4invito 5decide 6decidio 6decidimos 7sali 8bebi 9bebiste 10oi 11tomo 12llevamos 13llevaron 14decide 15busce 16encontre 17volvieron 18llego 19llege 20llegamos 21comenzo 22leo 23canto 24comenze 25oigo 26sali 27regresastes
i didnt have spanish key board so i didnt add accents