The tumor suppressors allele is analogous to the brake pedal in a vehicle while cyclins are like the gas pedal. The tumor supressors regulate, negatively, the replication of cells. If the tumor supressor is mutated, this is analogous to the brake pedals of the vehicle being broken, This means that if two are broken, then the vehicle will be unable to stop and will continue moving. This same way, if tumor suppressors are mutated, the replication of cells will continue unregulated and casue a tumor.
The intensive system of keeping livestock is performed to cater the need of growing population, as people are declining day by day, who can afford to opt for their personal cattle. Thus also known as factory farming, where large amount of cattle are treated with full hygiene and facilities to produce more products like milk and milk products, egg, meat, etc. and with less cost. The basic features of intensive system are as follows:
- The area required for such farming is small as compared to general, thus less land can fulfill the need of large population.
- The method and technology used give employment to skilled workers and follow more rules and regulations to protect livestock from diseases.
- Help in maintaining economical aspects in national level, by increasing production in bulk with comparatively less input.
how many homes does dog have. my minecraft house has 3 dogs .
Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it. A large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissue is made up of amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure
The answer is fetal alcohol syndrome. It is a condition that an infant could experience when the mother who is pregnant is ingesting alcohol during her pregnancy. It could cause defects and disorder to the infant that it will make the infant to be born in a normal way. This could be classified as to mild or severe depending on the situation.