<span>b. They were used to pay the Spanish.</span>
You are also an amazing person! thank you :)
ceaser chavez was mexican
Slave status was traditionally assigned to people living in tribes who were very poor, they did not posses lands,. The most ancient civilizations had some form of slavery present in early days. It seemed that slavery was necessary to construct the New world because they helped sustain the coffee, tobacoo, sugar and most of the economy.
"The Dialectic of Christianity" first appeared in Culture in History, edited by Stanley Diamond, which was published by Columbia University Press in 1961, and is reprinted with their permission. "The Symbols of Folk Culture" is reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder, The Con- ference on Science, Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life, Incorpo- rated, and was written for its thirteenth symposium volume, Symbols and Values: An Initial Study, pub- lished in New York City, in 1954. Acknowledgment is made to the American Folk- lore Society, Inc.