The loan estimate is standardized, and lists services you are allowed to shop for. You may not be able to shop for an appraisal fee or a credit report fee, but be able to shop for a land survey and title insurance. Lenders will vary in their requirements.
The Good Faith Estimate (GFE) was designed to encourage consumers to shop and then compare fees from various lenders before choosing a mortgage provider. Its original purpose was to help consumers understand what services they could shop for—so they not only received the lowest interest rate and best terms but saved significantly on closing costs as well.
By: Bonnie Johnstone on Quara
Answered May 29 · Author has 986 answers and 132.9k answer views
Winter Solstice is a movable date usually around December 21st.
The festival of Saturnalia in Ancient Rome was December 17–23.
Yule is a Solstice Festival Celebrated by Germanic and Scandinavian people’s.
The customs surrounding the commemoration of the shortest day of the year is varied and universal.
Christmas comes after the Winter Solstice. Christmas falls 9 months after the Annunciation March 25th.