The Threat of New Entrants exerts a significant influence on the ability of current companies to generate a profit Gross Profit Gross profit is the direct profit left over after deducting the cost of goods sold, or cost of sales, from sales revenue. It's used to calculate the gross profit margin
The answer that fits the blank above would be BALANCE SHEET AND INCOME STATEMENT. The balance sheet serves the copy of the liabilities and assets that a company or firm has recorded for a specific period of time. On the other hand, the income statement shows both the profit and loss that the company has. Therefore, it is based on these two that financial managers are able to calculate ratios.
3. net income is understated by $175
There were two transactions omitted. The first transaction is unearned rent revenue of which $450 was earned. This earned rent revenue increases income by $450. While the second transaction was accrued interest payable of which $275 is owed. This interest payable increases liabilities by $275.
Therefore, from the above, income or revenue is understated by $450, while expenses is understated by $275.
Therefore, net income is understated by income less expenses, thus 450 - 275 = $175. This also implies that liabilities are overstated by $175.
core competencies
From the question we are informed about who Spring Resources LLC creates unique value by establishing a learning organization that coordinates various production tactics and assimilates different types of technologies. This knowledge is distributed to the entire organization so that its branches can adapt and perform according to their own markets. These tactics and technologies distributed throughout the organization that create value for Spring Resources LLC are termed
Core competencies.
Core competencies can be regarded as resources as well as capabilities which comprise all strategic advantages of a business.