D) Web content developer
A content developer writes a well-researched content for websites, publications, and television. They also write sales copy and other marketing material for online and offline marketing. They develop text, graphics, audios, and videos.
Skills that help web content developer:
- Reading news every day
- Write regularly
- Study end audience
- Develop original and unique content
- Research; reading other people's content as well
- Provide solutions through your content
Besides these, a web content writer must possess technical skills like front-end web development. They must know basic HTML formatting and search engine optimization.
Knowledge Acquisition Facility.
The power and effectiveness of the Expert System is equal to the quality of the knowledge it contains. The knowledge has to deal with high complexity and apply the best judgement. collection of expert knowledge is very important and involves the collecting information about a field usually from an expert. This information is stored in a computer program stored as a knowledge base.
Knowledge is always updating so it also very important to keep it up to date and it is done by Knowledge Acquisition Facility.
a. In this scenario, the best solution would have an Object of Traditional Books, CD, Music, Bookstore and Customer.
b. All five objects would be able to be called by the main program loop and the Customer Object would call upon and use either the Books or CD object, While the Bookstore object would call upon all of the other objects.
c. Both the Bookstore object and Customer object will "have" other objects as the Bookstore needs to hold information on every Book or CD in the Inventory. While the Customer object would call upon the Book and CD object that they are purchasing.
d. The Music Object will extend the CD object and use information on the CD object as its parent class.
e. Since the Music Object extends the CD object it is also considered a CD since it is in CD format like the Books on CD and therefore is both objects.
The languages C++, Java, Python are Object Oriented Programming languages. What this means is that we create classes and then instantiate those classes. In C++ and Java, we use the new operator to instantiate the classes. So, if we want to display some data when we try to print the instance just like we print the variables of data types like int, double, string etc, we need to define what we need to display. It is because, class are just like data types like int, double etc. But as they are defined by the developer according to his/her needs, so the developer has to define what to print when they are printed.