Syncing or maybe FTP or connection
<em>C. Purging</em>
<em>Data Purging in computer storage is a process that permanently erases and remove data from a storage space</em>. Data deleting only removes the shortcut to the data but does not remove the data permanently, and can be easily recovered by an expert. <em>Data purging removes data permanently and also frees up the storage or memory space for other uses.</em> Data purging is relatively inexpensive and can be achieved with some special software tool.
Since the storage provider wants the hard drive back in working condition, data purging is the best option.
The following are the description of storing bits into Hard-disk.
As we know computer only know the binary language, that is in the form of zero's and once's "0's and 1's". In the hard drive, it requires a magnetically covered rotating disc, that's "head" passes over its platter.
- It marked 0's and 1's on the platter as tiny electronic areas in the north.
- Its head goes to the very same location to read its information again, the north and south places pass there and assume from the 0s and 1s which are contained.
Commands into software documents tools