Explanation: is the answer
A BASELINE is a starting point, a measurement, or an observation that is documented so that it can be used for future comparison changes.
Sometimes, you can’t tell if something has changed just by looking at it. When that happens, having a baseline measurement to refer back to can make all the difference in the world.
Baselines allow you to see what normal was before changes were made so that you know if something has improved or gotten worse as a result of those changes.
Baselines are especially important when doing performance reviews in the workplace and making legal claims after an accident occurs.
BASELINES are the foundation of any <em>successful</em> business venture. They provide the most accurate picture of how things are going, and what you should focus on in order to improve them.
Even if it’s your first day on the job, having a baseline lets you know what normal performance looks like so that you can identify changes and trends in your data to make informed decisions about your company’s future course of action.
Creating and maintaining baselines are crucial to the effective management of your business and can have a large impact on the success or failure of your business overall.
To learn more about Baselines refer:
Los partidos políticos, con el fin de lograr o recuperar la credibilidad ante los ciudadanos, deben llevar a cabo tres importantes medidas:
- Hacer promesas creíbles: a pesar de que muchos piensan lo contrario, los ciudadanos suelen reconocer cuando están siendo engañados y les están prometiendo cosas imposibles de llevar a cabo, por esta razón, es importante, que los partidos políticos solo prometan cosas que realmente pueden llevar a la práctica.
- Cumplir en la medida de lo posible esas promesas: una vez el partido político accede al poder, este debe hacer todo lo posible por cumplir las promesas de campaña. Sino lo hacen, los votantes se sentirán defraudados y la credibilidad del partido disminuirá.
- Estar conformado por personas competentes que no sean corruptas: si los miembros del partido no están capacitados, no harán su trabajo bien, y el partido perderá credibilidad. Y sobra decir que un escándalo de corrupción es quizás lo que más reduce la credibilidad de un partido frente a sus votantes.
Answer - The core of teaching consists of four basic values: dignity, truthfulness, fairness and responsibility & freedom.
Answer and Explanation:
Phelps criticized Friedman's position, because he said it was totally irrelevant to analyze the tax functions of inflation without assessing product demand, as Friedman suggested in his theory. He stated that this would only be possible if there was a way to predict an optimal rate of inflation in different situations of demand and supply, otherwise, in Phelps' words it would be the same as "Professor Friedman gave us Hamlet without a prince".
Phelps' positioning would be better considered by the RBC model, since this model is based on real and not imaginary facts.