You can actually save the audio clip to your computer and upload it here. There is a small paper clip located in your question hover that indicates as the upload button. If this does not work, you can upload it in an external site and then include the link here so that we can start helping with your assignment.
You have to put "fait" everywhere.
1. Quelle temps fait-il ?
2. Il fait du vent.
3. Il ne fait pas beau.
4. Fait-il soleil ?
5. Il fait mauvais.
6. Il fait un temps de chien.
Hope this helps !
sorry don't know French that welll
it is hard for me to understand it and wrie it too
1) Un kilo de pommes.
2) Un litre de jus.
3) Un paquet de chips.
4) Un pot de confiture.
Have a good day ! :-)