The underlined words are;
1. Ancestors- direct object
2. Homes- direct object
3. Children- Indirect object
4. Relatives- Indirect object
The direct object is the noun that receives the action performed by the verb. It answers the question of who or what. In the first question, if we ask the question, "Who do the Chinese honor?" The answer will be, "their ancestors". For the second question, if we also ask what families do to keep away bad luck, the answer will be to clean their homes. ]
An indirect object receives the action performed by the direct object. The action is performed to or for the indirect object. Who do people give red envelopes filled with money? Answer: to the children. Who do families wish fortune, health, and happiness? Answer: to their relatives.
adopted is the adjective : it qualifies "daughter"
A widely accepted way of thinking or behaving is a convention.
It denotes set of generally accepted standards and norms and a way in which something is usually done. Example for convention is shaking hands when greeting someone. Controversial on the other hand is something causing people to have opposing ways.