respiration, waste production, food intake, cells, breathing
Answer with Explanation:
Gramicidine is an antibiotic that has a polypeptide structure and is composed of 3 chains. This molecule can adopt a structure called beta 6-3 helix, so as to form a channel through the cell membrane of bacteria which allows the passage of ions (in this case cations) such as H +, K + or Na +, this situation leads to that in the cell alterations in the content of cellular cations are generated, among the effects the loss of potassium that can cause the death of the cell due to hemolysis due to alteration in the permeability of the membrane is highlighted. This effect is known as the ionophore effect.
An ionophore effect leads to the inhibition in the release of H + to the mitochondrial electronic transport chain.
Gramicidin thanks to its mechanism of action, when it produces interference specifically in a cellular organelle called mitochondria in the inner mitochondrial membrane, it is responsible for interrupting the passage of electrons, alters the gradient of H + and the performance of the enzyme called ATP- synthase which is responsible for producing ATP.
The damage that the entire previous situation produces on oxidative phosphorylation, leads to the refusal of ADP refosphorylation, then ADP and its hydrolysis products will accumulate, and finally the result will be a decrease in ATP levels.
Because butterflies with longer tongues were better equipped to eat nectar from inside flowers, and so it was easier for them to eat and grow. So they were better quipped to survive than those with shorter tongues.
Both nuclear and chemical equations are balanced according to the total mass before and after the change.
In every equation or reaction, the total mass of the reactants must be equal to the total mass of the products. In other words, all reactions - be they chemical or nuclear - must obey the law of conservation of mass.
The law of conservation of mass states that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another during a reaction.
Thus, in order to balance reactions involving chemical or nuclear reactants, the total mass before the reaction must be equal to the total mass after the reaction.
More on the law of conservation of mass can be found here:
There are two types of storage capacity in our brain, first is short term and second is long term ! so if to remember something it first stores in short term but after repeated remembering, it gets stored in long term !