In which specific situations can counting techniques (particularly permutuations and combinations) be applied within computer science? for anybody trying to help
import string
all(c in string.hexdigits for c in s)
The hexadecimal number system, often abbreviated as "hex", is a numeral system which consist of 16 symbols (base 16). The standard numeral system we are all use to, called decimal (base 10) and utilizes ten symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.
Using python programming language
import the string module
the second expression iterate through the digit in s and confirm if they all are within the rage of 0 -9 ad A -F. If yes , it returns True and else, it returns false
See explaination
Keep two iterators, i (for nuts array) and j (for bolts array).
while(i < n and j < n) {
if nuts[i] == bolts[j] {
We have a case where sizes match, output/return
else if nuts[i] < bolts[j] {
this means that size of nut is smaller than that of bolt and we should go to the next bigger nut, i.e., i+=1
else {
this means that size of bolt is smaller than that of nut and we should go to the next bigger bolt, i.e., j+=1
Since we go to each index in both the array only once, the algorithm take O(n) time.
The answer is 1) JPEG 2) TIFF 3) BMP.
<span>The best option that should be considered when preparing these images used for the web :
</span>1) JPG (jpeg) - Used to compress web images to a small file size without
sacrificing quality
2) TIFF (tiff) - Used for professional print images to save in a uncompressed
file format at high resolution.
3) BMP - Used for either web or print because of the ability to save high
quality images ether compressed or uncompressed.
Answer: No, is this the question?
Explanation: Have a stupendous day! <3