The longitudinal lines represent the local time and the prime meridian represents GMT. India follows its local time which is known as IST (Indian Standard time). Every longitude line is 15o apart from each other and for every 15, there is a time lag of two hours.
A group with similar beliefs about government best describes a political party.
<u>Option: D</u>
This is an collective community of citizens who share similar political values, and participate in contesting elections to retain government power. They compromise on some of the suggested policies and initiatives, aiming to encourage the common good or nurture their supporters' interests.
It is also necessary to note that while political parties are generally known for their ideology and way of operating, major differences still exist. Many political parties have an common heart, although some do not, and others embody philosophies that are somewhat different when the party was formed from those of previous.
Answer: Charles Edgar Duryea
<span>Thomas Jefferson had always feared the costs of loose construction of the powers delegated to the national government in the Constitution, and the Constitution was silent about acquiring lands from other countries. Jefferson urged bringing the issue to the people to approve with a constitutional amendment, but Congress disregarded his draft amendments. The Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase Treaty in October of 1803. While Jefferson did his best to follow what he believed was proper constitutional procedure, not enough of his contemporaries agreed with him and he eventually assented.</span>
1. there were many inequalities that contributed to the French Revolution, the first group was the clergy, the second estate was made up of nobles, and the third estate was the vast majority of the people living in France. One inequality dealt with taxation. The first two estates didn't have to pay most of the taxes.
2. The impact was so big that eventually slaves were freed, because the declaration stated that “All men and women are born and remain free in equal rights”
3. France was broke. The nobility refused to pay more taxes, and the peasants simply couldn't. Even the opulent King Louis XVI, fonder of hunting and locksmithing than governing, recognized that a crisis loomed, they wanted to change between the ruler and the governs to help rebuild their political and economic power.
4. The biggest cause behind the French Revolution was a widespread discontent with the French monarchy and the poor economic policies of King Louis XVI.