Here is the answer.....The Led Zepplin song 'Since I've been loving you' is a primary example of how a hard rock band used a blues rift and melody. One hears the Blues influence from the very begining with is slow guitar notes and continues throughout with Robert Plant's pleading lyrics.
Ik this is already an answer but u did not seem to find this answer so here it is. It is also a verified answer so its trust worthy.
if it's for a test I'd say c. but I think you can put whatever you want in a sketchbook
Was: Wilhelm Valentiner was born at Karlsruhe (Baden), and studied at Heidelberg under Henry Thode, and in the Netherlands with Cornelis Hofstede de Groot and with Abraham Bredius
Why: In 1906 he published his dissertation on Rembrandt that he started in 1904: Rembrandt auf der Lateinschule.