Palpable means that something can be felt or touched. In the short story "the dank tropical night that was palpable as it pressed its thick warm blackness in upon the yacht". The answer is D.
Elaborate: Add more detail to something. = Please elaborate on that sentence.
Realm: a kingdom/different world. = We were pushed into a realm of beauty and mystery.
Revival: a restoration to life = Revival was the only way to save him.
Dynasty: A line of rulers of a country = He was the 6th ruler of the Shang Dynasty.
Succession: A number of people or things of a similar kind following one after the other = A succession of the Emporer Penguin colony.
I’ll let you do the rest. I hope this helped.
Eh it's not that hard depending on the person. I'm a math person so it's quite easy for me. However reading isn't as easy as math for me.
Have a good rest of your night!!1 :)