He repeats the number 115 over and over in his mind, realizing he has said it before. Above him is a narrow crack in the rock. That's where the light is coming from.
C i think
on the test i chose d because i couldn't wrap my head around d or c so i think it is c.
A suffix ment of nouns, often concrete, denoting an action or resulting state ( abridgment; refreshment), a product ( fragment), or means ( ornament)
Suffix -tion. (non-productive) Used to form nouns meaning "the action of (a verb)" or "the result of (a verb)". Words ending in this suffix are almost always derived from a similar Latin word; a few (eg gumption) are not derived from Latin and are unrelated to any verb.
You should always have a medical exam to make sure it's safe to begin exercising. This can prevent potential damages to your body, or keep current problems from becoming worse. Regardless of whether or not you are exercising, you should have a check-up with your doctor at least once a year.
Dear mom,
I know that this is coming late.
I do not know how else to say this Mom but I am so sorry. I am not saying this because I feel bad that I was absolutely wrong, and you were right; I am saying it because even if I really didn’t want your advice, I could have at least done so without offending you or ignoring you.
I realize there is more wisdom in the advice you give me than I know, do forgive me.
I cannot even begin to imagine the hurt you must feel watching me do the very things you warned me of and falling victim to the very scenario you tried to prevent me from.
I love you now, forever and always.
Thank you.