B. personification
The wind HOWLED through the tree. Wind cannot literally howl.
Forgive me for not writing an entire essay, but here are some things that could help:
Ambition is dangerous: theme shown in Macbeth
Shakespeare implicitly believed that humans tend to act on impulse rather than reason.
Bad things lead to worse
Greed is shown heavily in Macbeth and Hamlet.
Death is often a symbol, and Shakespeare trys to explain the repercussions and reactions after someone's death in a lot of plays.
All in all, the human condition is complicated. People mess up, kill each other, avenge each other, are obsessed, fall in love. Stuff happens, and that's life. Shakespeare is wonderful at bending words to reveal new meaning, and a new though process about life. It's messy. But it's a darn good read.
I wish I could write more, but without knowing which plays you've read or that they're referring to, I can't add too much. I really hope this helps you get started!
I dont know where my coat im so very cold
ok mother im gona buy a sugar and salt