Walking upright with two feet defines the bipedalism among the hominid and make them different from the four legs apes. This theory was given in 1920 when they found a small skull approximately three-million-year-old and it indicated that it held its head erect.
One of the reasons that made them stand in two legs might have been the change in the climate. Climate change made Africa a more seasonal environment, which became difficult for a hominid to find food. By walking with two feet they were able to travel fast and were able to use their hands to collect and carry food from one place to another.
Because the U.S had to fight fro all of the states we have now
1st Amendment: Gives everyone the right to free speech, right to assemble, and right to religion.
14th Amendment: Gave black men the right to vote. This amendment started making the preamble to the Constitution a reality.
19th Amendment: Gave women the right o vote. Makes the preamble to the Constitution real.
Technically, continuous improvement is an operations concept developed in Japan, although of course it quickly spread to other countries and economies since it provides for more efficiency.