A- The three main traditions of Buddhism are- Therevada, Mahayana and Vajrayana.
The Therevada provides the detailed and most useful account of Buddha's original teachings. It shares the logic of meditation practice.
The Mahayana provides us with the living traditions of Awakened Masters also known as Zen. This molds us towards wisdom and compassion.
The Vajrayana offers an arrangement of psychological practices along with core meditation practices. This tradition has changed few things like it has added reincarnation process.
2- The Middle way or Middle path was used to describe the character of the Noble eightfold path that leads to liberation. The eightfold path was the right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi.
3- Buddhism was spread across and beyond India by King Ashoka. He sent monks to outside territories to preach Buddhism and people began converting to Buddhism all around the world.
John Hancock
John Hancock is best known for his large signature on the Declaration of Independence, which he jested the British could read without spectacles. He was serving as president of Congress upon the declaration’s adoption on July 4, 1776, and, as such, was the first member of the Congress to sign the historic document.
I would say It's C because during 2009 we had the 2009 crash but please tell me if I'm wrong
A law that was passed by John Adams and it was the end of the 18th century that had to restrict the public activites of political radicals who supported with the French Revolution
The answer is: no, because they were not democratic
The soviet union was notoriously known for adopting an authoritarian state as its form of government.
They put total control on the media, preventing anyone from voicing negative opinion about the government. They also utilize their military to execute activists who threaten government reputation. such actions heavily contradict the democratic value that held by members of European union.