<span>King Arthur is a medieval, mythological figure
who was the head of the kingdom Camelot and the Knights of the Round
Table. It is not known if there was a real Arthur, though it is
believed he may have been a Roman-affiliated military leader who
successfully staved off a Saxon invasion during the 5th to 6th centuries</span>
The Great Depression was a global economic crisis that may have been triggered by political decisions including war reparations post-World War I, protectionism such as the imposition of congressional tariffs on European goods or by speculation that caused the Stock Market Collapse of 1929
Answer: Columbus thought he had discovered India.
This was actually a surprising factor because after discovering America, it turned out that Columbus all along thought he had discovered India. That is why the native population was called Indians. After the first expedition, Columbus visited America twice more. The original expedition sailed to the Bahamas, and the next two led by Columbus ended up in Cuba and Haiti.
Facism and Nazism developed out of a general crisis of the European political system connected with the rise of the mass participation state from the late nineteenth century to the end of World War I. The mass participation state was marked by five features: an unprecedented expansion of the number of voters brought on by universal manhood suffrage and in some cases by the extension of the vote to women; the development of mass communications; a high degree of mass mobilization, initially by revolutionary socialist parties; new economic and social demands put forward by democratic and revolutionary organizations; and fragmented, poorly organized middle-class political party structures, largely legacies of the nineteenth-century restricted franchise. Fascism was motivated by deep-seated fears of social and political disintegration and of political revolution on the part of both ruling elites and large sectors of the middle and lower-middle classes. These classes had little to gain from a socialist revolution. Fascist and Nazi movements appeared throughout Europe during the period between World Wars I and II, but only in Italy and Germany did they come to power and develop into regimes.