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Try puting yourself in the authors point of view and relate to jimmy. Like the author starts to feel empathy for Jimmy and learns lessons from him. The author starts to connect to Jimmy for example when (...)
particles is a small portion of matter
<u>B) "The farmers are impressed with how well the farm is run".
<u>C) "The farmers vow to implement the same kinds of systems".
George Orwell's allegorical novella "Animal Farm" tells the story of how the animals in a farm rebelled against their human masters and have a form of government on their own. They managed their affairs by themselves and even do all the needful for the improvement of the farm in a systematic and organized form.
At the end of the story, the humans had visited the farm and were quite taken aback with the sight they saw. Mr. Pilkington addressed the people who had assembled, stating that "they had been nervous about the effects upon their own animals, or even upon their human employees". But with the inspection done, the humans actually found that the family was well run, they were impressed and even vow to implement the same kinds of systems like the animals had done.
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