C. Sprout every year, year after year
The perennial plants are the plants that live for more then two years, thous some may argue that they are plants that live more then three years. Whichever the case, they are not short-lived plants, but are capable of surviving for numerous years, unlike the annuals and biennials. Theoretically, the shrubs and trees would fall into this category, but they are classified separately, and this term is not used for them, but for smaller plants that do not have or have very little woody parts. These plants tend to sprout every year, and even though they seemingly die in the autumn, their roots are alive, and they emerge and grow again in the spring, sprouting again. That process repeats itself for numerous years.
In experiments with phosphorus and sulfur, both of which burned readily, Lavoisier showed that they gained weight by combining with air. With lead calx, he was able to capture a large amount of air that was liberated when the calx was heated. To a suspicious Lavoisier, these results were not explained by phlogiston
How traits/characters were passed down and inherited from parents to offspring.