he Piranha is one of the most efficient predators on the face of the earth. Granted it is not a large animal, with most only reaching about 5 1/2 to 10 inches (14 – 26 cm), but it is known world wide for its ferocious nature. They have razor sharp teeth and are opportunistic carnivores.
A frenzied attack by a group of Piranha will set the water churning. They will attack and eat all sorts of aquatic animals, insects, lizards and amphibians. They will also devour rodents, carrion (dead meat), and sickly or weakened land animals that venture into the water.
The teeth of the Piranha are triangular in shape with an exact fit in their jaw, comparable to a bear-trap. They are designed to puncture and slice the flesh from their prey. They can strip their prey to the bone in a matter of minutes.
These fish are a great source of fascination. Their natural behaviors have become fodder for the scripts of moviemakers looking for a sensational twist to excite and entice an audience. What could be more intriguing than creating a 'fear factor' from the behaviors of these provocative fish found in the "wild". Yet just like the Great White Shark and the Anaconda constrictor, also popular subjects of thriller movies, the Piranha’s behaviors are over-fantasized.
The Piranha does engage in a feeding frenzy that will "make the water boil" if only because a hungry school of fish are trying to reach the same limited food source. All that activity is bound to create water turbulence. A Piranha school generally only consists of about 20 or so fish, but in a feeding frenzy it can reach up to several hundred..
Piranhas are not always that deadly. Many species live solitary lives once they reach maturity and only four or five species pose any significant danger. Piranhas rarely attack people. Many experts believe they are actually timid fish, and shoal for protection. Even the most aggressive are thought to be not really dangerous until they are trapped and confined, and then attack in self defense. As a pet they are fascinating and beautiful fish, yet you can't hold or pet them. They are not affectionate and owners must be extremely careful, especially when handling them. They do have sharp teeth and an aggressive/defensive nature. Most Piranha bites are sustained when the fish are being handled, though that's not to say a hungry fish is never dangerous.
The first statement is wrong because photosynthesis occur during day by plants, while respiration happens during day and night which are very related and they can be happened at the same time, in other hand photosynthesis cannot Accor in human cells because animal cells do not have chloroplasts which are using light energy to make glucose ,but in our cells or in animal cells we have mitochondria which break down the energy to make ATP....
for the second statement I'm not sure about that ....
I think that the third statement Is correct, because
the Cellular respiration make carbon dioxide + water + ATP then those would be then used by photosynthesis to make glucose and oxygen .
can I get brainlist pls?
met is the answer bro did you understand
Inside your ear there is water this water is detected in your ear and a signal is send to your brains so you know your balanced. If you have an infection. This signal is blocked so you can't feel if you're balanced or not.
Birds, insects, and many reptiles excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of uric acid, which saves water.
Nitrogenous waste in the body tend to form toxic ammonia, which must be excreted. Mammals such as human excrete urea, while birds, reptiles, and some terrestrial invertebrates produce uric acid as waste in the form of a white paste or power. The production of uric acid involves a complex metabolic pathway that is energetically costly in comparison to processing of other nitrogenous wastes such as urea or ammonia, it has the advantages of reducing water loss and, hence, reducing the need for water.