a. Move all text to the right.
a. Unusual typefaces, underlining and italics.
c.Unfamiliar abbreviations.
Application Tracking System (ATS) is a software which helps organization to manage the recruiting process. It enables to look for required skills in a certain applicant and then select those candidates who matches the certain requirements by organization.
The candidates should format the resume as short lines and mention key points. Move all text to the right to be able for ATS to ease tracking process.
The candidates should avoid including unusual typefaces and italics, should not use unfamiliar abbreviations.
Answer: Land Residual Method
Land residual method of site evaluation is the method of estimating land value in which the net operating income attributable to the land is isolated and capitalized to produce an indication of the land's contribution to the total property.
This particular method uses income as being the basis for value and is used in appraising income producing properties.
The correct answer is (B) False.
Variable costs, as the name implies, differ with the level of production and are associated with the use of variable factors, such as labor and raw materials. Since the amounts of factors increase as production increases, variable costs increase when it does.
The correct option is A. Using numbered or bulleted lists.
A. Using numbered or bulleted lists
<em>Use numbered lists when you're explaining instructions that need to be performed in sequence. In situations where numbers are not essential use bullets, especially in business related documents</em>
<em>Bulleted lists are used to make items stand out from the text without implying order of importance. They may include punctuation marks like commas and semicolons</em>
This is the correct answer, use of numbered list. We were told in the question to follow a particular order to fill out an expense report. You begin by writing your name and end by obtaining the supervisor’s signature
B. Using graphic techniques
<em>Graphics are visual elements that can be used to point readers and viewers to a particular information. Graphic techniques are visually engaging in order to attract and inform a large audience. Diagrams and graphs can help learners comprehend abstract concepts using visual language to depict meaning. For instance, in diagrams the connecting lines between elements help learners understand relationships. Bar graphs make it easy to compare data; line graphs help learners understand trends</em>
This option is wrong. The expense report is not a new concept
C. Developing parallelism for balance
Parallelism in literature is the repetition of a word or phrase within a sentence or group of sentences. It is used to help organize ideas, but also to make the ideas memorable.
This option is also wrong