Las invasiones británicas del Río de la Plata fueron una serie de intentos fallidos británicos en la actual Argentina y Uruguay de tomar posesión de áreas en el Virreinato colonial español del Río de la Plata que estaban situadas alrededor del Río de la Plata en América del Sur. Como parte de las Guerras Napoleónicas, entre 1806 y 1807, las invasiones tuvieron lugar cuando España era aliada de la Francia napoleónica.
Popular sovereignty was seen on the issue of slavery as a political middle ground. Popular sovereignty is the principle that people should rule, and as such the status of slavery should be determined by the votes of local settlers and not congress.
During the Mexican War, when slavery became a political problem, Douglas faced a challenge. Fearing that the issue would interfere with the Constitution, he argued for the doctrine of popular sovereignty — the right of the people of a state or territory to determine for themselves the question of slavery — as a solution for the sake of the Union. He led the congressional struggle for the 18th compromise.
For a free world.
The Cold War is crucial because it divided the universe into two competitive sides that came into dispute with each other in several areas throughout the globe. This friction has left us with, among other elements, a vast armory of atomic threats, especially in the US and in Russia. The Cold War generated all sorts of battles to happen around the globe. It is essential for the open world.
A. conservative