In World War 2, you could help to hide Jews in a sort of sewer. The Government keeps tracks of most Jews, yet you could attempt to hide people, or at least give water, food, or a safe place. It may bring yourself to death back then, yet it would have a possibility to save at least some Jews.
The correct answer ic C. Both Antigone and Boadicea are heroines who choose their values over their lives, knowing they may die in the process.
Antigone decides to bury his brother despite the prohibition of the king of Tebas to do so because she believes that God's laws are greater than human laws.
Boadicea led war against occupying forces of the Roman Empire of her land. When she saw the inevitable loss, she poisoned herself and her daughters to avoid capture.
Knowing my grandfather's made me realize how fortunate I am.
The correct answer here would be that "conscription was despotism."
refers to the absolute rule of the a single entity who rules as it
choose. That was usually a monarch but it can be any kind of government
that obstructs the rights of its citizens. It is used to describe the
abuse of power and the oppressing of people. Here conscription is
despotism as the government is oppressing the people and their rights
given to them by the 13th Amendment and it is abusing its power.
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