Answer:includes only U.S. nationals and citizens, by negative implication it specifically excludes aliens and foreign
La Sumeria es una civilizacion que florecio alrededor de 4500-1900 aC
I'm not sure of his name, but it might have been Darius. If you want more info, search 'Gordian Knot'. There was supposedly a prophecy at the time stating that whoever could untie this immensely complicated knot that tied the king's horse yolk to his chariot would rule over Persia. When Alexander saw the knot he sliced it in two with his sword instead of trying to untie it. I'm pretty sure Darius (or whatever his name was)
Humans benefit from Prometheus’ decision to defy Jupiter because they gain fire, and Prometheus teaches them how to cook, protect themselves, and make tools. The humans become more civilized and get rid of their animal-like ways. As a result of Prometheus’ actions, humankind becomes happy once again.
Make sure to sum it up and put it in your own words, have an awesome day!