The chairman of the board: "We are meeting our goals for the quarter. How should we best use our profits?"
The above sentence does not introduce a quotation correctly.
The quotation mark is known to be a punctuation mark that is used in setting off and representing exact language which was made by somebody else. The language made by the person may be written or spoken. We find the use of quotation marks in fictional work when it is used to designate speech acts.
In the above selected sentence, we see that the colon follows after "the chairman of the board" without clarifying if he is making the statement that follows after the colon.
It shows that the people are friendly.
Explanation: The men lifting their hats off indicates them being friendly.
I do not think that Phil can predict the weather. First, he is only a groundhog. He does not have weather equipment or any tools that would give him knowledge of weather patterns. Second, Phil would not see his shadow on a cloudy day. Winter is usually the cloudiest and darkest of all seasons. If Phil does not see his shadow, it should indicate that spring is not coming early. Third, the groundhog that is called Phil is not the original groundhog used on the first Groundhog Day. The entire celebration is just a way for people to get excited about the coming of spring, it's not an actual forecasting tool.
I think that Phil can predict the weather. First, he is a groundhog. He is more aware of nature and the changes in the weather than people are. Second, he and the groundhogs that have come before him have always been used to predict whether or not spring will come. If he was not a reliable indicator, people would have stopped asking Phil to predict the weather many years ago. Last, when Phil does not see his shadow, that means the weather is cloudy. The clouds show that there is rain coming and spring is the rainy season.
A. identifying the writing style of the author.
Answer: Why do people have to pretend to be dead if a bear approaches them?
Explanation: this one is probably the best question. But im a little confused.