Well your sister seems to be staying in the same instrument group.
Cello, Violin, and guitar are all alike. SO she will probably play something with strings instead of a trumpet.
They needed to set up a new government and wanted to be sure it could not harm their rights.
The only noun I know derived from the verb to entomb would be the noun entombment.
It is an abstract noun, which means that it doesn't have a physical shape - you cannot touch it or smell it, just like with love, or hate, or happiness. Entombment is the process of placing a dead body into a tomb, or a grave.
After reading the instructions, we can identify the independent, dependent, and control variables as the following:
1. Independent variable: The two types of fertilizers that will be used.
2. Dependent variable: How fast the plants will grow with each fertilizer.
3. Control variable: The plants that will not have any fertilizer added to them.
- When conducting an experiment such as the one described in the question, we are looking for the relationship between two things.
- In this case, we want to see if and how the fertilizers affect the plants' growth.
- The independent variable is the factor we change in order to affect something. Here, it is the use of fertilizers.
- The dependent variable is the thing affected by the independent variable. Here, it is the plants' growth.
- To make sure that the independent variable is affecting the dependent one, we need a control variable.
- In this case, we would select a few plants to not receive any fertilizer. That way, we can compare the plants and see if the fertilizer is making any difference.
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Well it really depends.
If you are describing a 12 year old girl, with brown hair and brown eyes it could go something like this:
"The young, twelve year old girl, had long brown curls that fell to her shoulders. Her chocolate brown eyes were as dark as her hair and stood out on her pale, freckled skin. She was - in short - lovely."
If you are describing... let's say... a 16 year old boy with black hair and blue eyes it could go something like this:
"The young man turned his crystal blue eyes in my direction and I looked away quickly so as not to be caught staring. "How old are you?" He asked. "Sixteen," I replied timidly, twirling my long hair around my finger. "Me too," He replied, flicking his shoulder length black hair out of his eyes."