add them then that’s the answe
When carbohydrate consumption exceeds the body's immediate needs for energy, glycogenesis decreases.
The process of conversation of stored glycogen in the liver and muscles to glucose is Glycogenesis. It takes place when the blood glucose drops,below certain levels and the body cells need glucose for biochemical activities.Therefore, when there are excess CHO consumption,more glucose would be in the blood,and thus no need for glycogenesis.(breakdown of glycogen)
Glycogen storage space in the liver and muscles is limited. When glycogen stores are full, use of glucose for energy __Increases__________ and oxidation of fat for energy ___decreases_________ .
Definitely, this is a simple logic.As the storage for glycogen is limited,excess glucose move into the blood, since they can not be converted to glycogen.The glucose is expended through cellular reduce the amount in the blood. Therefore, Gluconeogenesis, the production of glucose from non-CHO substances drops. Hence beta- oxidation drops.
Overall, when carbohydrate intake is excessive, lipogenesis increases.The process of converting excess CHO to fatty acids.Biochemically it is the process of converting the Carbon precursor of acetyl co -A to fatty acids.Therefore this increases to synthesized more fatty acids from CHO
a mutation that blocks the GTPase activity of Ras
A G protein in inactive state is GDP bound but as soon as a guanine exchange factor (GEF) exchanges it with GTP it gets activated which means that in GTP bound state it is active. G - protein has endogenous GTPase activity. Upon interaction of GAP, the GTPase activity of this protein is exhibited. When GAP is present, hydrolysis of GTP into GDP occurs which leads to inactivation of G protein. A mutation which will block GTPase activity of Ras will therefore result in constitutive active signaling even in the absence of ligand binding to it's receptor. In such scenario, GTP will not be hydrolyzed into GDP so signaling will be up-regulated.