By the end of the third month of the pregnancy, the developing human organism has the ability to MOVE, CURL FINGERS, SLEEP AND START TO SWALLOW AND BREATH.
By the end of third month the fetus has the characteristic features of a human and it starts to develop senses such as sound, taste, etc.
Saliva's normal pH range is between 6.2 and 7.6. It's average is like a 6.7. Saliva keeps a neutral pH balance and doesn't fall below 6.3 in the oral cavity.
I hoped this helped a little bit.
The Retina
The photoreceptors lie at the back of the retina
They are all called bacterium. Which is the scientific word for bacteria. This is just what all bacteria is called. But there are 5 types of bacteria.
Climate Change
Invasive Species
Seventy percent of the Earth's plant and animals dwell in forests, and deforestation affects them directly. Once their habitat is lost, they are on their way to extinction.
Climate change also causes extinctions not only as a result of species intolerance to high temperature, but more commonly via a variety of related factors that alter a species’ interactions with other species.
Invasive species invade foreign territory. They use resources that the other species depend on. Then naturally one of the species will die off.