When we talk about "widening the net" in terms of the correction system, this refers to the idea that, the more offenders that are in the community, the more the correction system can control and surveil the community.
However, increasing the number of offenders who are supervised by corrections officers might have some negative unintended consequences. For example, such an approach could increase the number of offenders who are found to be violating the terms of their parole or committing crimes. Another consequence would be the loss of resources, as higher levels of resources would be needed to carry this out.
c i hope this is correct trust me
Survivor and witness testimonies—firsthand accounts from individuals who lived through or encountered genocide and other atrocities—help students more deeply appreciate and empathize with the human and inhuman dimensions of important moments in history.
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Lesson: Using Testimony to Teach | Facing History
Personal ambition is considered a unique feature of the american national identity or the so called american dream. The american dream is unique for it's effort to make America the place to build your life and have a choice in what you do.
I hope this helps I may have been thinking if the wrong thing