b. Interest-group
This group is the actual one due to the fact that, they all work towards actualizing a common goal and agenda of the said group. For example, if the agenda of the group was to see to the establishment of military arm of that countries forces in another smaller country, they will work towards that knowing fully well that, the group will benefit in one way or the other.
I think it is because the people might need to use it for other things like right now the covi is one EXple we need to save money for other things like rent and eletric and so on.
The Roman society was divided into three major social groups: patricians; plebeians; women and slaves;
The social structure in Rome, as in many ancient empires, was anything but fair or well structured. The society was roughly divided into three major groups. Those three groups were:
- patricians
- plebeians
- women and slaves
The patricians were the ones that controlled and ruled the society and they had all the rights in Rome. The plebeians were all the other people, or rather all other men in Rome, and they had some rights, but had to pay tax and serve in the military for them. These two groups had Roman citizenship.
The last group, women and slaves, was a group consisted of all of the women and all of the slaves in Rome. They had no rights whatsoever, and even if someone murdered them there were no consequences. They were also not given Roman citizenship.
C) they were able to get more land from their territories