c. corporation
A corporation is a type of business ownership that recognizes a business as a separate entity from its owners. Legally, a corporation is an independent person with commercial rights like any other person. A corporation is entitled to de business, incur debts, acquires assets, and make profits.
A corporation is expected to file its income tax returns at the end of every financial year. The owners of a corporation or its shareholders are also expected to file their separate income tax returns. An element of double taxation arises the business is taxed, and the owners are also taxed separately. In the other form of business ownership, the business incomes pass as owner's income resulting in single taxation.
Gayla arranged to sell Riha's car to a Denver Public School employee right away; Riha's name appeared to be on the car's title assignment. She sold Riha's property and relocated all of his furnishings and personal belongings to her Denver residence. She gave the Denver Art Museum his collection of artwork, which was valued at about $19,000. She donated his books to Denver's Loretto Heights College. Gayla divided up all of his belongings.
What has made the Denver Art Museum famous?</h3>
It is renowned for its collection of American Indian art, as well as for The Petrie Institute of Western American Art, which is in charge of the Museum's Western art collection, and for its other collections, which total more than 70,000 unique pieces from all over the world and the centuries.
To learn more Denver Art Museum visit:
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<span>how much of their company's merchandise is being sold, how much of it has been damaged, how much has gone out of style or is out of season. Once the inventory is taken, Pristine products should be able to project how much product needs to be manufactured and sold going forward so that they do not work at a loss of profits.</span>