The answer is B, you never give personal information and expository is an explaining essay so there is no need to persuade because there is no argument occurring
Answer: is a r i p o f f of go to study over there
A is the correct answer.
Why A is correct - A is correct because an outline gathers the thoughts, questions, and ideas related to your paper in a concise, orderly manner.
Why B is incorrect- A rough draft helps ensure that the student knows how to organize their thoughts and get a well developed idea of how to construct their final research paper.
Why C is incorrect- Some facts that you learn won’t actually be necessary in your research paper. You will only need the facts that are revenant to the topic of your passage.
Why D is incorrect- Research questions help further the finish of your paper. The more writing of your paper that ensues, can reveal a lack of other necessary questions that need to be answered and added to your paper.