<span>I'd say 2 hours - 2 weeks</span>
Devestation, thing got ruined, people injured or killed, more homeless
A bibliography includes any source you use while writing an assignment. This could be websites, book titles, etc.
(For reference, I'm 17 and am responding as such)
Cleaning, studying, sporting activites.
While there are people who do these things, they prove to be on the whole uncommon activities. If these things are being done it is likely they don't consider the time they do these things with 'free time'.
We prefer to relax, be unbothered, and see what's going on on Y0uTube or social media, or just watch TV.
It will be told in past tense.
We know what is going to happen, but the Harper Lee's clever, cunning writing causes us to easily forget. Scout is the narrator, and beginning like this shows that it's in past tense. Also Scout knows what will happen. As the reader it tells us that Scout is retelling a story--a story about her and Jem and all the things they encounter.