Social Darwinism would affect American Political thought because it is an ideology that justifies racism, discrimination, and promotes eugenesia, based on the application of the ideas of Darwin to a social context.
That is to say, Social Darwinism is the belief that some people or some groups of people are inherently superior to others, and as such, they deserve to be on top of society, and to override the desires or priorities of people or groups of people deemed to be inferior.
It is nice to hear if all the societies are environmentally conscious, perhaps it is advantageous if a particular society is environmentally conscious. They are one of the best contributors to save our environment to make greener and to prevent pollution. If the society is aware of his/her surroundings he/she is conscious to not make our environment gets polluted.
B. a candidate must be a resident of the state he slash she wishes to represent
The only language wich has official status is the Castillian. The other languages are recognized but haven't official status.
Electrostatics is what you call a very scary electrostatic discharge.