Answer: Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Explanation: A Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan can be simply referred to as an imaging test that helps to tell or show doctors how how organs or tissues are functioning. This test involves the uses of special dyes which is made up of radioactive tracers, they are either injected or inhaled by patient depending on the organ which the test is to be carried out on.
So the next best technique Veda could use as she doesn't have access to an fMRI machine is the Positron Emission Tomography (PET).
Using this technique, the PET scanner can trace the special dyes contain radioactive tracer as they are more concentrated on areas or part of the organs with high chemical activities, this could help her get information about brain activity during the card task.
para que es eso?
pense que era una pregunta de estudios sociales ._.
Autonomous morality
Piaget suggests two types of moral thinking:
<u>Heterogeneous morality:</u> This morality occurs at the age of 5 to 9 years. This morality is imposed on the children from outside sources like their parents will impose morality on children. The children obey morality as the rules and regulations of others that can not b change.
<u>Autonomous morality:</u> This morality occurs between the age of 9 to 10. It is also called moral relativism. In this morality, children think about there no right or wrong and morality is based on intentions, not on consequences. Moral understanding under this age going for fundamental reorganization.
Answer: A) individuals assimilate community preferences and norms through social interactions
Explanation: Socialization is simply the process of internalizing social norms and values i.e assimilating or learning the norms and values of a society. This enable individuals know how to live and interact within a particular social settings. It starts from a tender age where kids learn what ought to be done and what not to do.