A- cash crops such as tobacco required many workers.
Britain, France and the United States all disagreed on on the issue of reparations settlement. It leads to the War Guilt Clause, or Article 231, of the Treaty of Versailles.
France required Germany to pay reparations for the damage they had caused, as a means to ensure that Germany could not again threaten France and as well to weaken the German ability to compete with France's industrialization.
Britain opposed harsh reparations in favor of a lighter reparations settlement, including war pensions for disabled veterans and allowances to be paid to war widows.
The United States, on the other hand, opposed these settlements, and requested that there be no indemnity imposed upon Germany.
Rice cultivation is introduced into Carolina. Slave importation increases dramatically. The Royal African Trade Company loses its monopoly and New England colonists enter the slave trade.
...in turmoil.
After the American Revolution, the French also believed that it was time for them to reconstruct their government. Their government under the leadership of Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette did not work well, as they proved to be ineffective in helping the people, as well as spending large amounts of money on their own pleasures. This led to the overthrow of the Monarchy as well as the Reign of Terror, that ended with the coup d'tat led by the popular Napoleon Bonaparte & the rise of the French Empire.
B. a series of rulers chosen by the people of a country