Thirteen! Why you're correct - thirteen! We can never plunk down with thirteen. That is all because of Mr. Harper's carelessness. Wiped out companion, nothing! He's only one of those thoughtless men who never answer their solicitations in time."
Refer below for the explanation.
As a high-class singular, associations among eminence and the rich are central with regards to keeping up or improving your economic wellbeing inside the more elite class of society.
One of the most widely recognized issues such individuals face while attempting to fabricate and improve the bonds with different individuals from high society emerges with regards to extravagant and costly supper courses of action. Thusly, every fork and blade must be perfect, each plate sparkly spotless and everybody must be situated as needs be.
Mrs. Horace Pringle's supper table fits absolutely fourteen individuals, setting a seat at each end and lines of six seats on each side. On the off chance that those fourteen seats are not appropriately filled, there will be a shock and even the sovereignty they are attempting to dazzle may know about such a humiliating circumstance.
Johnson uses sarcasm in this poem as he expresses the opposite of what he means. When he says "pile on the Black Man's Burden", and gives examples of how people can make black men more miserable than they already are ("his wail with laughter drown"), he is using sarcasm. He clearly does not want people to pile on this burden and make black men's lives harder, but he is saying that people should do it to show them how ridiculous it sounds and to point out that people are already doing that.
Cats, dogs even canaries can give you good.
It is a story parallel to what is happening in the Usher house.
The palace in the description represents Roderick Usher, whose hair used to be blond, as the yellow banners that wave in the air; through his eyes (the windows of the palace), a harmonious mind could be perceived, and wise words used to flow from his mouth, described as a door of pearl and ruby. However, gloom befalls on Roderick; his hair turns gray, his eyes are reddened by tears, his thoughts are discordant, and his mouth utters only the wild laughter of a madman.