Yes cause hers the answer
False A.) Women are shorter than men, and shorter people are more stable... there are taller women, not every woman is short, not every man is tall
False B.) Men have more muscle mass in their lower bodies that makes them stiff and less stable... NOT true AT ALL... not every man has more muscle mass in lower body than upper...
True C.) Women have lower centers of gravity, and lower centers of gravity provide more stability
False D.) The increased muscle mass in their upper bodies makes their centers of gravity difficult to find... This can be applied to men NOT women.
My best guess would be C. Assessing a patient's level of compliance with past medical advice. You want to know if they have followed medical advice prior because if they haven't, you would just be wasting your breath.
C. The circular shape
D. Arw there fragments of meteorites in and around the crater?
C. Triangles became extinct