I don't know what you're saying there?
1. can be made up by a hearing person.
2. a physical or personality trait
3.agent marker
4. write (agent marker is just like an er on the end it means person doing something. so write would be the right answer.)
Xenophobia is described as being the excessive fear, dislike, and even hostility toward of anything “foreign” or to anything and anybody from outside one's own social group, nation, or country. The main causes of this phobia are unemployment, poverty and inadequate or lack of service delivery (which are usually politically attributed).
drogi Mikołaju
Wesołych Świąt I mam nadzieję, że robisz naprawdę dobrze. Chcę niesamowite zabawki i prezenty na tę wigilię. Mój brat chce gier wideo. Dziękuję Ci